Ambient created...Brochure design, Mail Fulfillment, Print Management

Welsh Heads of Trading Standards (WHoTS)

Ambient Creative designed this bilingual English and Welsh publication aimed at retailers highlighting the laws pertaining to the display and sale of tobacco products and the Trading Standards departments role within enforcing the laws.

Cynllunio Amgylchynol Creadigol y cyhoeddiad hwn yn ddwyieithog Cymraeg a Saesneg gyda’r nod o dynnu sylw at y manwerthwyr deddfau yn ymwneud â’r arddangos a gwerthu cynnyrch tybaco a’r adrannau Safonau Masnach rôl o fewn orfodi’r cyfreithiau.

WHoTs-Retail-Guide-English coverWHoTs-Retail-Guide Welsh cover
WHoTs-Retail-Guide-Alternative Cover 1WHoTs-Retail-Guide-Alternative Cover 2